01Verify Benefits
Understand your insurance coverage in real-time. Pay only what you owe. Never wait for reimbursements.
02Connect with therapists!
Have more time to focus on your well-being - we alleviate the burdens around finding the right fit.
03No Stress Claims
No need to waste time thinking about the complicated world of insurance claims. We take care of that for you!
Patient Testimonials
“Thank you Advekit for helping me understand what Out of Network coverage is and how I can use mine. I have been saving on therapy for months now!”
Trisha P, Chicago, IL
“I have not been as lucky on any other search platform as I have been on Advekit - really a wonderful experience!”
Jennifer Z, Encino, CA
“Advekit is the only site that really helped me specify who I was looking for, after trying ZocDoc and Psychology Today, so thank you so much!”
Charlie L, Brooklyn, NY